
What is Poverty?

  The term poverty refers to the state or condition in which people or communities lack the financial resources and essentials for a minimum standard of living . As such, their basic human needs cannot be met. Poverty-stricken people and families may go without proper housing, clean water, healthy food, and medical attention. Each nation may have its own criteria for determining the poverty line and counting how many of its people live in poverty. It's important to remember that poverty is a socioeconomic condition that is the result of multiple factors—not just income. These factors include race, sexual identity, sexual orientation, and little to no access to education, among others. Poverty is a state or condition in which a person or community lacks the financial resources and essentials for a minimum standard of living.  Poverty-stricken people and families might go without proper housing, clean water, healthy food, and medical attention.  Poverty is an individual con...

Understanding Poverty

Poverty refers to the lack of adequate financial resources such that individuals, households, and entire communities don't have the means to subsist or acquire the basic necessities for a flourishing life. This means being so poor as to struggle to obtain food, clothing, shelter, and medicines. Poverty is both an individual concern as well as a broader social problem. On the individual or household level, not being able to make ends meet can lead to a range of physical and mental issues. At the societal level, high poverty rates can be a damper on economic growth and be associated with problems like crime, unemployment, urban decay, education, and poor health. Governments often put social welfare programs in place to help lift individuals, families, and communities out of poverty. Some countries have stronger welfare states (social safety nets) than others. The U.S., for instance, tends to be much more individualistic and shuns welfare programs. European countries, in comparison, h...

What Causes Poverty?

  Poverty is a difficult cycle to break and often passes from one generation to the next. It is often determined by socioeconomic status, ethnicity, gender, and geography. Many people are born into poverty and have little hope of overcoming it. Others may fall into poverty because of negative economic conditions,  natural disasters , or surging living costs, as well as drug addiction, depression, and mental health issues. Access to good schools, healthcare, electricity, clean drinking water, and other critical services remains elusive for many and is often determined by socioeconomic status, gender, ethnicity, and geography. Other root causes of poverty include: Limited to no job growth Poor infrastructure Conflict and war High cost of living Social barriers Lack of government support For those able to move out of poverty, progress is often temporary. Economic shocks ,  food insecurity, and climate change threaten their gains and may force them back into po...

Discrimination and Poverty

  As noted above, poverty isn't simply related to income levels. In fact, there are a number of factors that can push people into or below the poverty line. Discrimination is just one of those issues. Put simply, people are prevented from living with and enjoying certain rights because of who they are. Here's why. In some cases, governments may put certain laws and regulations that prevent certain individuals or communities from accessing services, such as healthcare, education, or social services. They may also be denied access to the labor market and/or housing, which can prevent them from reaching a suitable standard of living. In other cases, deep-rooted societal beliefs can isolate individuals, families, and entire communities. Some of the most common groups of people who may experience this type of discrimination include (but aren't limited to): People living with HIV/AIDS Black, Indigenous, and People of Color Women, including single mothers Members of the LGBTQ+...

The Bottom Line

  Poverty is defined as the state or condition where people and communities cannot meet a minimum standard of living because they lack the proper resources. These include (but aren't limited to) financial resources, basic healthcare and education, clean drinking water, and infrastructure. Living in the socioeconomic condition of poverty is a result of multiple factors not simply including race, sexual identity, sexual orientation, and access to education, among others. Organizations like the United Nations and the World Bank, which say that poverty will continue to grow well beyond 2030, urge nations to fight poverty by implementing policies and regulations that can drastically improve the quality of living for all communities.